Lurking Eyes In The Dark
Deep in Interis-Mal’s labyrinth, nested in the center of that ancient place, Snasher keeps a new universe warm and safe until the time is right. Until then, she tends to the lost, lays paths for the curious, and weaves her golden webs, pulling light to the darkest corners of the maze.
The Power
![A naturalist style sketch depicting an arachnid-style Monster. Its back is completely covered in hundreds of eyes, while its head appears skull-like, with tiny pincer jaws just visible. It has 8 legs, and a fluffy collar of fur around its neck.](/images/concept snatcher sketch-600w.webp)
While the rest of us must suffer through light’s inability to bend, Snasher is under no such restriction. Her many eyes attract light like light attracts flies, bending it around the corners of the labyrinth.
The range of this power seems to encompass the entirety of the maze, but stops a few feet from the entrance. As thankful as Interis-Mal’s delvers are for this omniscience, it’s likely Snasher primarily uses this to monitor the labyrinth for threats to her and her egg.
Snasher has several other minor powers that have been observed by delvers lucky enough to sight her—her ability to weave golden thread is well known, but less so is her capability to turn invisible, or to grow additional legs when she needs them. She’s also capable of communication by speaking directly into the mind of the listener.
Given the relationship the people of Interis-Mal have with the labyrinth, it should come as no surprise that the people revere Snasher, and many even think of the labyrinth as belonging to her. Regular crowds of chosen guardians will dance precise paths through the labyrinth, blindfolded and wrapped in clothes weaved from her golden silk. These dances often last weeks at a time.
On the opposite side, Snasher’s relationship with Interis-Mal is something between a protector and a trickster. Snasher regularly skitters through the labyrinth, helping those lost within its walls, but will always play some kind of game with her imperilled prey. These pranks have ranged from harmless (a chest which, when opened, shot confetti everywhere) to the seemingly-deadly (Snasher appearing as a dangerous beast in the maze, stalking and terrifying those lost in it).
Local myths around Snasher always paint her as a mischievous and witty being, always ready with a practical joke or elaborate prank, but ultimately on the side of the villagers in times of existential crisis.
Notable History
For six months prior to the first outbreak of the False Gold, Snasher erected a complicated and impenetrable gate of golden thread across the entrance to the maze. Three guards were set to watch the gate for any signs of distress, and they reported hearing strange grinding sounds from deep in the labyrinth.
The web was removed by Snasher, but she left intricate markings across the entrance that have yet to be deciphered.
Epic Destiny
The egg Snasher defends will one day bring forth a whole new universe. How long she has guarded it, how long it will take to hatch, and what exactly will happen to Ald-Amura is the subject of some debate.
- Her web begins to glow a sickly yellow light; it burns to touch.
- The labyrinth grows steadily darker as her eyes devour like, turning a pitch-purple color.
- Her eyes detach, moving around the labyrinth on innumerable legs.
- The labyrinth twists around her, becoming utterly impossible to navigate properly.
- Her voice bounces around inside people’s heads at night, filling their sleep with nightmares.
- She reaches into the minds of everyone in the village above, trapping them in a labyrinth inside their own thoughts.