The Blind King
With the head of a horned lion, the gilled body of a shark, and the tail of a mermaid, Jerborahm stalks silently through the jungles of the west, his star-filled eyes seeing everything and nothing at once.
The Power
When asked a question—any question—Jerborahm descends into a sort of external trance, shifting the world around him into a dark, cosmic landscape. He summons a cloud of eyes around him, each a different shape and color. These eyes see into the fabrics of reality and pull out an answer. Jerborahm always tells the truth, but often in ways that only become clear with time and hindsight. It’s rare for Jerborahm to answer a question, but it’s by no means a struggle or hardship for him, and he has offered his insight on subjects as simple as dishwashing and as complex as inter-community political process.
There appears to be no end to the wisdom Jerborahm can access with this power, even knowing the secrets of people’s dreams when asked.
Far from a solitary creature, Jerborahm actively seeks out new people and new questions. He flits from village to village in the western jungles, speaking to travelers as he finds them. His constant presence has made him somewhat of a mundanity in the region, and while his wisdom is deeply respected, it’s rare for a village to throw a full festival in Jerborahm’s name. More common is to honor his arrival by quietly painting your home with a single eye, hidden from regular sight.
Notable History
Jerborahm features extensively in stories, myths, and histories around prophecies, seemingly positioned at the heart of them all. He is said to have told the Last Kings of their fates, and the first comrades of their duties. Most recently, it is said he sent a letter to Kai Du’ha ahead of the first False Gold attack.
Epic Destiny
Thankfully, Jerborahm is very open with his epic destiny, treating it like any other question put to the Blind King. Jerborahm’s goal is to know everything there is to know, and every question he answers increases his knowledge base. That he appears to already know everything is an interesting wrinkle—what escapes even his power?
- Jerborahm begins speaking quicker than anyone can hear, burning secrets and recreating reality around him.
- The cloud of eyes Jerborahm creates escapes his cosmic field, terrorizing the area’s children.
- Stripped of his wisdom, Jerborahm becomes a being of pure, harsh, cold, unfeeling Knowledge.
- Two spires of cracked obsidian grow from the Blind King’s wings, howling a high pitched squeal.
- Jerborahm’s wing-eyes emit unstoppable beams of pure truth, enlightening anyone caught in them to every secret they’ve ever wanted to know.
- The whole area is sunk into Jerborahm’s cosmic realm, plunged into a cold, dark space full of alien stars and unspeakable structures floating in the void.