Legends of Ald-Amura License Agreement

In the interest of accessibility, we’re providing our licensing terms in plain, clear English, using an FAQ format. Anyone creating content that uses the Monster Care Squad system, or content set in the world of Ald-Amura agrees to the following terms. If you do something that goes against this agreement, you’ll be violating the license and we’ll be potentially forced to issue a takedown notice.


I want to make Monster Care Squad derivative works, can I sell them for money?

Yes. You own wholly any new or novel contributions you make to the Ald-Amura setting and may sell or distribute it however you wish.

Does this license exclude any specific kinds of works?

Yes. Translations are not covered under this agreement, nor is plain reproduction of existing assets. What this means is you can’t take one of the pieces of art we have made public, put it on a shirt or hat, and sell it. You may draw fanart of your favourite monster and put that on a shirt and sell it for money. If you’re interested in translating Monster Care Squad, hit us up at SandyPugGames@gmail.com.

Otherwise everything else is fair game. Games, podcasts, books, animations, audiobook editions - if you have some wacky idea for a project that you’re concerned about, just email us and we’ll let you know.

What text and art from Monster Care Squad is viable for reproduction?

Any text from pages 15 to 49 can be directly reproduced in your work, this includes the basic move set, the character creation system, and all of the various clocks, meters, and tools designed for the game. You may also make use of the extended example of play from page 163. Text from elsewhere in the book is not valid for reproduction. You’re allowed to reference the concepts, place names, locations, Monsters, and so on within the world of Ald-Amura, just don’t lift whole locations or Monsters verbatim and call it your own work. You may quote it, just don’t go overboard.

Any artwork found in the following Google Drive is free to use for your project. The drive also includes templates for creating locations and Monster, as well as a primer on the setting for your reference. The text of the primer, and the examples given in the template docs are not free to use in your works, though the concepts and structures therein are.


To what degree can I edit the artwork offered in this agreement?

In Leafie’s own words:

“Minor edits like removing backgrounds is okay but no major edits like altering, recoloring or changing my art. Like splicing art together or drawing on top of it”

What are my obligations under this agreement?

There’s only really one. You must credit Sandy Pug Games and acknowledge our work. Simply use the below text somewhere within your project, plainly visible and easily readable;

“This work is based on Monster Care Squad and the Ald-Amura setting, designed and developed by Sandy Pug Games, and is licensed here under the Legends of Ald-Amura licensing agreement.”

You may use the “Legends of Ald-Amura” title within your work, though you’re not obligated to. You may also use the “Ald-Amura Historical Society” wax seal logo, though again this is not a requirement. We would take it as a personal favour if you sent us a link to your project so we can put it on our big list of fan projects and promote it!

Does this agreement have any restrictions based on content?

Yes. You may not create any works that Sandy Pug Games deems to be bigotted or hateful. You can’t say or imply that your work is in any way affiliated with Sandy Pug Games unless we have an agreement. You can’t call your project something that might confuse or mislead people into thinking yours is the original Monster Care Squad or Ald-Amura (If in doubt, email us at the address above!). You may not create anything related to cryptocurrency or NFTs.

While you may not reproduce any of the setting text directly, you may reference NPCs, Locations, Monsters, and so on.

Do my works have to be released under this same license agreement?

Nope, you may of course replicate this agreement for your own work, but you’re under no obligation to. Note that any of the text and art you got from us as part of this agreement remains covered under this agreement regardless of how you distribute your own ideas. Corpo Clause

The above agreement does not apply to any corporate entity with more than $1,000,000 in gross revenue within any one of the previous three tax years. Any such entity should contact SandyPugGames@gmail.com to discuss licensing.

Agreement Version 1.0, last updated 11/16/2021