Move List
Check out the following list of Moves, and pick two that you think fit your character well. You will get more during play and you have unrestricted access to a common pool of Moves that every player can use. You can read about the common Moves in the Diagnosis, Synthesis, and Symbiosis phase sections on pages 34, 36, and 38.
Originally we intended to include a Move specifically for mobility aids like wheelchairs or a guide dog, but that felt wrong. Given the limited number of Moves characters get to pick, we didn’t want to constrain people—especially people with need of mobility aids—to go for the one option.
So here’s the thing. People with disabilities use aids—including mobility aids, like wheelchairs or walkers, or hearing aids, or guide pets, and so on—to be empowered. And in Monster Care Squad, we want that to be the default. We encourage you to use the tools that empower your character however you like and know that in Ald-Amura, you are seen and appreciated.
Pack Rat (General)
You’re always prepared—or at least always saddled with the backpack. Begin every session with 5-Prep. Whenever your team needs something important such as matches, rope, chain, mirrors, a ladder, torches, etc., spend 1 Prep to pull it out of the pack. Your Prep restores when you Cure a Monster or return to a comfortable, well-stocked safehouse.
Monster Gift Upgrade: A Special Gift
upgradeYou were gifted something from the Monster you cured. Whenever you need it, it will be in your hand. What is it?
Opened Hidden Eyes (General)
With a moment to focus your breathing, you can always see through illusions and magical glamours.
Monster Gift Upgrade: Opened Hidden Palms
You can still see through illusions and magical glamours, but you can also interact with them as if they were real and solid. Any illusion you touch becomes real for as long as you are thinking about it.
What Do You Have In Your Mouth?! (Symbiosis)
When you grapple with the Monster and try to pin it down, roll+FORCE. On a 10+, you get the Monster in an advanced lock; advance one step on the Control Track. On a 7-9, your lock is weak or the Monster is using it to their advantage, advance both you and the Monster on the track.
Monster Gift Upgrade: Open Your Mouth!!
When you roll 10+, make a demand of the Monster you’re grappling. They will oblige exactly. Commands cannot be overly complex, or have multiple steps. One action, that’s all you get.
Presto! (General)
You can do small acts of magic—create basic illusions, walk on water for a short time, very minor healing spells, that kind of thing.
Monster Gift Upgrade: Change-o!
You have gained mastery over a very specific field of Magic, like a single element you can speak to or a practice you now know a great deal about. Name it, and discuss with the table the limits of this magical power.
Reach Out With Your Fist! (General)
When you use pure strength to smash an inanimate obstacle aside, roll+FORCE. On a 10+, the barrier crumbles beneath your might without complications. On a 7-9, you also break something important, valuable, or delicate. Tell everyone how you’re going to make it right.
Monster Gift Upgrade: Pierce The Heavens!
When the barrier crumbles under your strength, an unforeseen boon awaits in the wreckage of your righteous rampage. Pick one below and tell everyone the details.
- A vital clue, hidden by nervous hands
- Evidence
- An unlikely friend, with unlikely news
- Something you didn’t know you needed until now
Rider (General)
You have a mount; name and describe it. It is bound to you, loyal, and it’s understood that you always have enough food and supplies to keep it happy and healthy. Should you ever be seperated, it waits for you in the last place it was safe.
Monster Gift Upgrade: Bound As One
Your mount and you have a bond so deep, you are one of soul. You speak, move, and perceive the world as one being, and can act as either body using your own stats. Replace one of your Trainings or Backgrounds with one befitting of your mount.
Companion (General)
You have a companion; name and describe it. It will always treat you as well as you treat it, and if you are ever lacking in a sense it will do its best to provide that sense to you. If you are ever separated, it will find you at the next safe moment. If too much time passes without a safe moment, they will find you anyway.
Monster Gift Upgrade: Adventure Pal
You’ve been through a lot together and taught each other a lot. Your companion can now carry 5-supply in its own pack.
Trapper (General)
When you construct a simple non-lethal trap, describe its function and ask the Guide to pick one from the following list:
- It requires special materials you don’t have at hand
- It only works for a short time
- It’s fragile, obvious, or overly sensitive
- It needs bait to work—live, preferably
Monster Gift Upgrade: Tinker
Your traps may have one miraculous or magical effect, such as being able to emit Monster scents, feed you information from far away, or move on their own.
Crikey! (Symbiosis)
You’ve always loved and been fascinated by Monsters, and have discovered a deft touch for them. Quite literally. When you exclaim in uncontained excitement and go to pick up a Monster, roll+ALLURE. On a 10+, ask the Guide for a piece of useful information about the Monster’s abilities, demeanor, or habits. Gain +1 Forward, as long as you use that information. On a 7-9, you still get the above, but choose one from the following list:
- Lose something in the tussle, -1 Supply
- The Monster pins you, step back one on the Control Track
- You place an ally in danger, ask who
- The info you get is limited, clouded, or uncertain
On a 6 or below, this is a feisty one. You’re able to place the Monster safely back where you found it, but not before triggering one of its Wounds.
Monster Gift Upgrade: What A Beauty!
When you touch the Monster, you learn its language. You can always communicate with it, even when you’re not holding it.
Soft Narrative Whisper (Symbiosis)
After the Monster is cured, but before you Move On, spend one Ace and wax poetically (and ideally in a soft whisper) about the beauty of the Monster and how it and its local community are turning to a new and harmonious normal. Once you are done, pick one of the following:
- Start with +1 supply at your next location
- Begin the next session with an automatic success on any one Clock segment
- Gain a Session Ace at the start of your next session. Explain narratively how these tie in with the Monster or its community.
Monster Gift Upgrade: World Whisperer
Soft Narrative Whisper can now be used once per monster in any phase. You still spend an Ace and discuss in narrative the local community and the Monster’s state of being, and in addition to the above, can choose from the following options:
- Shift the Control track one step
- Reroll a Clock segment.
- Add an additional blank Segment to the Synthesis Clock.
Bond (Diagnosis)
When you spend time near a Monster while figuring out what is wrong with it and you can deliberately try to bond with them, roll+ALLURE. On a 10+, you make a connection with the Monster; start the Symbiosis phase one spot up the Control Track. On a 7-9, you fail to make a connection, but may spend 1 supply to ask the Mentor a question about how to appeal to the Monster.
Monster Gift Upgrade: Eternal Bond
When you bond with a Monster, whatever level of the track you are on when you bond is now the lowest it can go.
Summoning Song (General)
When you are out on the trail looking for a Monster, you may burst out into an imitation of the Monster’s song to try and attract it, roll+ALLURE. On a 10+, you will attract the attention of the Monster and it may call back to you from where it is. On a 7-9, you attract an animal that may help you another way. Describe what it does.
Monster Gift Upgrade: Chorus of the Wilds
When you sing, animals that can hear it will join in, carrying the song much farther than it would normally reach.
Free Climb (General)
No ropes, no harnesses, no problem. The Guide will set a track to match the difficulty of a climbable surface you’re facing. When you try to approach it without assistance, roll+FORCE. On a 10+, you make some progress; advance the track. On a 7-9, you lose 1 supply. On a 6 or below. you fall and reset the track.
Monster Gift Upgrade: Meant to Climb
You aren’t just good at climbing; you prefer to be climbing. Replace the original rules with these updated rules. On a 10+, you climb as well as most people walk; you get to where you are going with ease. On a 7-9, you get where you were going but lose 1 supply.
Look What I Got (Symbiosis)
When things are looking bleak and the Monster is raging from its Wounds, you can produce just the right thing to get a little more time. Spend 5 supply and describe what it is you have that will temporarily quell the Monster’s anger.
Monster Gift Upgrade: You Won’t Believe This
If there was ever a need for the thing you just happen to have, it’s now, and you’ve got it. Replace the original rules with these updated rules. Spend 5 supply and describe what it is you have that will help. Move the Monster down its track by one segment.
There’s Got To Be Something Around Here (General)
You’re running low on bandages, maybe you lost your binoculars, or your matches got soaked. Whatever it is, when you’re scavenging the area looking for anything you can, roll+GRIT. On a 10+, you find a lost pack; gain 2 supply. On a 7-9, you see something sticking out of the mud; gain 1 supply. On a 6 or below, you disturb wildlife and it leads to someone in your group losing 1 supply; describe what happens.
Monster Gift Upgrade: I Can Find Anything
You found a grain of sand in a haystack once. Whatever you are searching for now will be a cinch. Replace the original rules with these updated rules. On a 10+, you find a treasure cache, gain 3 supply. On a 7-9, you find an abandoned camp, gain 2 supply. On a 6 or below, you find something that needs your help.
Trap Of The Cursed (General)
Once per session, you may set a strange trap. It is mostly like any other trap used for small game, but this one emits the sound of an animal in distress when the door is shut. The sound will not stop until the door is opened again or the trap is destroyed.
Monster Gift Upgrade: Ghostly Trap
Your trap no longer makes a sound when the door is shut, instead, when the door is open, it attracts the spirits of nearby animals who—if they wander in—will appear to materialize and look, sound, smell and act like their live selves. Only when the door is opened again will they return to their true forms as spirits.
Let’s Go Fishing (General)
When you’re near a body of water and you have a fishing rod and bait, you can try your luck and cast in your line; roll+GRIT. On a 10+, you catch a fish beloved by almost all Monsters, especially once it’s good and rotten. On a 7-9, you pull up an old boot with a waterlogged mundane item inside that might belong to someone who lives nearby.
Monster Gift Upgrade: Heart of the Fisher
You can now fish with your bare hands.
I’ve Seen This Before (Symbiosis)
Through your travels you’ve seen a Monster acting the way this one is acting now, and you have a good idea what it might do next. When you say what that is, roll+ACUITY. On a 10+, you were right and the Monster moves down its track by one. On a 7-9, the Monster does the same thing but the result is totally different and the Monster becomes more angry.
Monster Gift Upgrade: Trust Me On This One
You recognize the behavior of this Monster, even if you can’t remember how, or why, and can now roll any stat instead of +ACUITY. On a 10+, move up one on the track in addition to the Monster moving down.
I Hope This Works (Synthesis)
It would be nice if you had everything you needed, but sometimes you’re missing that one crucial ingredient or tool to get you to a successful treatment. But, you can always improvise. When you explain how you can compensate with the options at hand, roll+GRIT. On a 10+, it just barely works; gain an Ace. On a 7-9, it falls apart right at a critical point, but you manage to gain 1 supply.
Monster Gift Upgrade: This Will Do the Trick
You might be improvising, but you’ve done it before and it worked, so you’re sure it will work again. Replace the original rules with these updated rules. On a 10+, it works better than expected; mark the Clock segment a success. On a 7-9, it works well enough; gain an Ace.
Slink (General)
When you move deliberately slowly to avoid detection, roll+FINE. On a 10+, you are one with the shadows. Your next action will be completely unseen to anyone or anything you want to hide from. On a 7-9, you have a moment before you’re discovered; what do you do? On a 6 or below, you are seen and suffer the consequences.
Monster Gift Upgrade: Stepless Slink
When you move stealthily, you leave no trace. No footprints, no sound, no hairs or fibers.
Plant Friend (Synthesis)
You’ve got more than a green thumb, you’ve got a way with plants. You are able to tell which plants have medicinal properties, and sometimes you’re even able to coax a plant into giving up a few petals, a flower, or even a whole branch. If you bring a gift for the plant or otherwise do right by it, gain an Ace.
Monster Gift Upgrade: Plant Kin
You are so deeply attuned to plant lifeforms you can now sense them from great distances, including how they feel, if they are thirsty, hungry, in need of light, etc. This way, you always know just what to bring into the field to gain favor with the plants who hold the medicine you need. When you help them, mark a Clock segment as a success and gain an Ace.
Teacher And Student (General)
You have an apprentice traveling with you, learning from you and assisting as needed. Give them a name and a look. They can perform simple tasks for you such as holding a rope while you climb down a cliff, or being the first to test if an ingredient causes side effects. They can return to town to fetch something the group forgot, or send for help when things look grim.
Monster Gift Upgrade: We’re In Business Now
Your Apprentice is now a Journeyperson and able to perform the same Moves you have, using your stats. Whenever they roll a 10+, use the 7-9 result instead.
I Always Know The Way (General)
You’ve got a knack for finding shortcuts, well, most of the time. When faced with choosing a path, you can choose a path that is faster, but will yield nothing useful along the way, or a longer, more dangerous path that will produce useful findings.
Monster Gift Upgrade: Guided by Forces
Once per session you can find your way to a place you’ve been, find a person or animal you’ve met, or track down an object you’ve handled
Aquatic Superiority (General)
You grew up around the water, and maybe spent more time in it than on land. When you’re in water, you’re just a real badass.
Monster Gift Upgrade: Home Wet Home
You can breathe underwater.
Trade Networks (Diagnosis)
When you trade something valuable, special, or unique in exchange for information, ask two questions and roll+ALLURE. On a 10+, you get honest answers to both questions; ask the guide for one answer, then answer the other yourself. On a 7-9, answer one question, but learn a disturbing, frustrating, or intriguing truth about the item you just traded away.
Monster Gift Upgrade: Traders Ear
You imbue a little magic into every trade you make. You get your answers, and something extra, something vital. Tell everyone what it is and take an Ace or mark a Clock segment a success.
Negotiations (Diagnosis)
When you bargain, reason, or otherwise try to get something you need from a human being with words and promises alone, ask the Guide or the table what they want from you. Set your terms and Hold 1 for every one of the following that is true:
- They trust you
- You’ve helped them before
- They like you As long as you have one Hold, you can get what you want in exchange for something else. Spend Hold on the following options
- Their request is clear, concise, and actionable
- They can give you more than you asked for
- They give you half of what you need now, half later
Monster Gift Upgrade: Voice of the Wind
Your Monster Gift has given you the ability to negotiate with one of the following:
- Animals
- Trees and Flowers
- Rocks and Earth
- Water and Clouds
Getcha Scran (Diagnosis)
When you have time, some ingredients, and a workable environment, spend one supply and make up a dish. Tell everyone what’s in it and roll+STAT. On a 10+, pick two effects. On a 7-9, pick one:
- Your warm food helps shrug off the cold
- The smell attracts interested parties
- You make enough for leftovers; gain one supply
- Anyone who eats it gets +1 Forward
Monster Gift Upgrade: Like Meat & Salt
In addition to the previous options, you may instead ask one of your ingredients to grant you favor. It may ask for something in return. If granted, your meal imparts a single trait from that ingredient onto one other person. It takes about an hour to kick in and it lasts an hour or two.
Union Strong (Diagnosis)
You have an in with a specific trade. Name it. Whenever you can find their lodge, union hall, or meeting space, pick one:
- Get some information, a lead, or a quest.
- Gain 2 supply
- Gain an ally; ask the Guide who it is and take an Ace
Monster Gift Upgrade: Union Rep
You are a recognized representative of your given trade. When you try to establish a confederation, roll+ACUITY. On a 10+, you find enough people who do what you do and convince them to collectivize. Either take an Ace or mark a Clock segment a success. On a 7-9, you plant the seed, but something stands in your way. Solve it.
Snap! (Synthesis)
Just before you leave, take a photograph to remember this all by. Write down up to three things that mattered in this place on a piece of paper and store it somewhere safe. At any time, burn, tear, or destroy this paper for one Critical Ace.
Monster Gift Upgrade: Shutter Lock
When you step into a photograph you’ve taken before, explain how you do so, and roll+STAT. On a 10+, you have ten minutes in the time and place of the photograph’s taking, and you are corporeal, able to interact with the world of the past until your time runs out. On a 7-9, pick two;
- You have more than a minute or two
- You can touch things
- You can smell things
- You can hear things
- You can speak to people
- You can bring something back